Thursday, March 23, 2017

Awkward Band Photos: Episode 2

Tubby Boots

Not necessarily a band. A comic who dressed in drag and was introduced at his own shows as, “Living legend, 400 pounds of sex-rated comedy, Mr. Tubby Boots.” Count me in...

Cherrie Currie of the Runaways

Pro tip: It’s always good to hump various objects on stage. A microphone is as good a choice as any. And as a bonus it is particularly phallic.

Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys

I guess he doesn’t like his pepper straight up. In this session he also eats a shoe, and a vinyl record. A true gourmand.

The Beatles

Q: What are we gonna do with this creepy snowman?
A: I dunno, call up The Beatles?
Great success!

Simon & Garfunkel

It appears they got the invitations to their gay wedding squared away about 50 years before it was legalized. They were always at the vanguard of music and... social issues!

Charlie Daniels

This was actually released by his record label as a publicity photo. No one noticed the gigantic rip in the crotch of his pants or maybe this was a planned wardrobe malfunction? Conspiracy theorists discuss...

The Osmonds

When you dress your family like they are the Heaven's Gate cult awaiting impending suicide launch to a spaceship following the comet Hale-Bopp. Enjoy!

Tina Turner

Not sure why they didn’t use this one for an album cover?


The Monkees

Somebody spent a lot of time and money and probably psychedelic drugs to flesh out this costume choice. Hats off to the designer! And thank you Davy Jones for standing like a zombie robot.

Stay tuned for Post #3 whenever the fuck I get around to it.